Welcome to Apartment Rant

Messy Apartment

Tired of being attacked by residents that have no right to do so?  Sick of the ignorance of apartment rating sites that bash your hard work?  Just want to have your say and not get in trouble for it??  HERE IS YOUR CHANCE!

Tell us your stories, tell us the REAL situation! Or, just RANT!

Apartmentrant.com gives the property management on site professional the opportunity to be heard.  Property management professionals have cleaned up after every type of midnight move imaginable.  The stories of mayhem and destruction are very entertaining and really happen!!

This site is a forum to share those stories that constantly have property managers questioning the future of humanity as we know it.  Time to strike back and have your say against that resident that has no idea how hard you work.  Its fun, its a release, its THERAPY!  Or, just check out the other outrageous stories, photos and messages from around the country….

Send us YOUR stories, photos and recorded messages and we will post the best (after all identifying information is removed, of course) for all to see!

Don’t you feel better now?

