Skipper Girl


This prospect mentioned that they wanted a 3 bedroom townhouse because the 21 year old older sister had her own 4 yr old child and a little brother that was under 18 living with her.  Believe it or not, she did qualify for the apartment with a one month’s deposit.  She paid all the upfront fees and 1st month’s rent, and moved in.  So, our new resident, who insists on paying everything in money orders only, called me to say that she’s be late with the rent.  I told her, to pay today and avoid the late fees and it will be ok.  She asked if she could transfer to a smaller apartment because she could no longer afford her 3BR.

I said that she could not transfer because she was only there for less than 2 months.  So, three hours later there was a moving truck outside her apartment and she skipped…

If you met her, you wouldn’t be surprised by this unusual behavior.  So, I walked the unit the next day, and discovered a first.

Did I mention that this apartment did NOT have an outdoor patio?  Not only did they trash the unit (which was not surprising), they friggin’ drilled a satellite dish into their bedroom FLOOR pointing out an open window!!  They wired the cables throughout the house.

I guess they skipped on dish network too.