Wild Beasts!

We got a call last night.  The resident claimed that when they opened their ground floor patio door, a BEAVER ran in.  They were a little alarmed, but with a little effort and “shoo-ing”, they were able to redirect the frightened beast back out of the door and back to the wild.   Well, I have to say that this is my first report of a Beaver in an apartment setting, so I thought it best to inspect the apartment to see if animal control needed to become involved.  We have a water source relatively nearby behind our community, a few hundred yards away.  So, a Beaver?  Hummm…..  We arrived at the scene this morning, and went to the resident’s door.  We asked to come in so they could show us where the “Beaver” entered the apartment and see if we could see anything unusual. The resident recounted the incident, and described the intruder.  The intruder was no longer at the apartment, nor was he visible outside the patio.

“Yes, it was about this big…”  The resident demonstrated a length – approximately 8 inches…

“It was brown and had small ears…”, the resident said.  I asked, “what did the tail look like?” …hoping it wasn’t a rat.

They said, “it was long and brown”…  I thought, that’s interesting…. It didn’t look like a paddle shaped tail?

Not sounding much like a Beaver.

The resident continued, “when we got it out the door, it darted out and went down into a hole”.  Well, I had enough information, and determined that animal control didn’t need to be involved.  We assured the resident that we would alert the Pest Control company to check it out the area too, and they seemed calmed.  The things we see and deal with in this business…if they weren’t true, you wouldn’t believe it.  Pictured is “THE BEAVER”!!!!!

Tamias striatus

Happy Friday!